It is convenient to store gasoline powered equipment and gasoline cans inside your building. Depending on how and where they are stored, your insurance carrier may not think this is a good idea. Gasoline produces vapor, which can be dangerous if not mitigated properly. 

Vapor is a substance produced by some liquids; part of the liquid diffuses into the air, retains some of the properties of the original liquid, and becomes flammable. Gasoline produces vapor at a very low temperature, -40° Fahrenheit, which is known as its flashpoint.

Vapors from gasoline are heavier than air and settle close to the ground and flow similarly to liquids. Vapors can settle in drains and can be ignited by a spark.

Gasoline is a Category 1 flammable liquid. It produces vapor at a very low temperature: its flashpoint is -40°F. According to OSHA standard 1910.106, for safety reasons, there are requirements for storage of flammable chemicals like gasoline. Here are a few helpful and required practices.


How to Safely Store Gasoline

Store quantities of gas of 2 gallons or less in an approved vented safety can, in well-ventilated areas away from any ignition sources. If the approved vented safety can is to be stored inside, store it in an approved metal cabinet or in an area or room that meets the 1910.106(d)(4).

Make sure:

  • The room does not have a door that opens into a portion of the building used by the public.
  • The storage area is not along an emergency exit route.
  • Whether inside or outside the building, post No Smoking signs.
  • Your dispensing system has an approved pump and if necessary, the container is properly bonded and grounded.
  • There is spill containment and an emergency plan for handling a spill.
  • There is an approved fire suppression system or extinguishers are nearby (no less than 12-B) and located within the required distances.
  • To properly dispose of gasoline-soaked rags.


Here is a link to an OSHA letter of interpretation.

See the OSHA standard for more details and contact your insurance broker’s safety professional for additional assistance. 

View OSHA Standards